Tuesday, November 9, 2010


This is one of the top non - fiction genres of books in the library.

This is one of the signs in the library to tell people that all of the books in this part are fiction books.

This is the most popular non - fiction genre of books in this library

This is one of the most popular fiction genre of books in the library.

These are the reading groups for the adult library which would be a nice place for maybe elderly people who live alone can go to the library and be able to chat to a group of people rather than just reading books by themselves.

This is a sign to tell people that all the books in this part of the library are non - fiction books.

This sign shows that the library does not just have paper books they also have audio books which is good because some people who may not be able to read a book would be able to listen to a book instead.

Also, this library has DVDs which can be taken out for 7 days which shows that this library is changing in the digital age and making libraries more popular to younger age groups rather than a library just being for adults or for little kids.

The sign shows that the library has learndirect which is a new digital programme to help adults learn to read and write and it is in the library so people can just go to this library and get some help rather than having to go to a place that is just for learndirect.

These are some other reading groups but these reading groups are for children and they would happen in the children's library which is seperate from the adults one.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Interview with a blind helper / sen cordinator

1) Do you enjoy reading ? If, yes why?

2) What is your favourite book ? Why ?

3) What was the last book you read ?

4) Did you enjoy the last book you read ? Why ?

5) How do you get students interested in reading?

6) How has teaching reading changed in schools over the past 10 years?

Interview with a teenager

1) Do you enjoy reading ? If, yes why?

2) What is your favourite book ? Why ?

3) What was the last book you read ?

4) Did you enjoy the last book you read ? Why ?

5) Who is your favourite author ? Why ?

6) Why do you think more people read in the past than they do now ?

7) What fo you associate reading with ? Why ?

8) How often do you read ? Why ?

9) Where do you read ? Why ?

10 ) Would you rather read a book or listen to an audio book ? Why ?

Interview with a teacher ?

1) Tell me about your favourite book?

2)Tell me about your role as a teacher?

3)Tell me about your impact on children's learning?

4) What kind of approaches do you use to teach someone who has lower learning ability?

5) Why did you want to become a teacher?

6) Do you feel that young students are not as enthisiatic about reading than around 10 years ago?

7) Do you enjoy reading at home ? What do you associated reading with ?

8) Why did you decide to become a learning support rather than become a teacher for a specific subject?

9) How do you feel about teaching ?

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Secondary Research and Planning

We emailed to authors JK Rowling and Cathy Mac to see if we would be able to interview them for our documentary. Unfortunatelly JK Rowling was too busy and Cathy Mac said she would do a phone interview but in the end that did not happen.

Dear Valerie,
As you acknowledge, JK Rowling isn't available. i'm fowarding you'r email to a colleauge who looks after world book day and who might be able to give you a lead.

Best wishes,

Hello, Valerie, is that Weatherhead High School near Liverpool? I’ve been to that school several times, always had a lovely time, of course I would be happy to do an interview with you, I am heading for Stockport tomorrow so do you want to do the interview via email or on the phone, either suits me. I am taking my laptop with me; perhaps I could give you a ring tomorrow? Cathy Mac xx

Monday, November 1, 2010

Research and planning

We used this to research products which children you to learn how to read. This commerical is a commerical for a leapfrog product which parents buy to help their children learn how to read.

Research and Planning

Research and Planning

This is another commerical for a children's toy which teach is them to read.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Running Order

Documentary: Once Upon a Time
Channel: ITV1
Scheduling: Wednesday 15th December 8pm

1. VOXPOP: Favourite book: (10 seconds)
2. Opening titles: (20 seconds)
3. Montage with voiceover introducing topic, shops, library: (20 seconds)
4. Interview with young child: why they enjoy reading: (30 seconds)
5. Interview with teenager: (40 seconds)
6. Interview with an adult: (10 seconds)
7. Cutaway of the blind side: (20 seconds)
8. Interview with local author: (80 seconds)

9. Archive: Shawshank Redemption: (20 seconds)
10. Interview with learning support unit (40 seconds)

11. Interview with university student: (60 seconds)
12. Audio of book out loud – still image: (30 seconds)
13. Voiceover of how they link: (10 seconds)
14. Interview with English teacher of how they use films explain: (60 seconds)
15. Achieve footage cutaway of a film: (40 seconds)
16. Play Harry Potter without audio: JK Rowling Interview: (2 minutes)
17. Voiceover with montage of shoppers: (30 seconds)
18. Zoom in of books: (5 seconds)
19. ADVERT BREAK: (3 minutes)
20. Zoom in of library with title underneath: (5 seconds)
21. VOXPOP of people favourite adapted books: (10 seconds)
22. Interview with director of the blind side social class: (60 seconds)
23. Clips a various films with voiceover talking about film adoptions: (20 seconds)
24. Interview with English teacher discussing standard of English: (60 seconds)
25. Cutaway of children learning ABC. Voiceover: (10 seconds)
26. Cutaway of teenager on facebook. Voiceover: (10 seconds)
27. Interview with a child: Do they find reading hard? : (60 seconds)
28. Montage of different age groups learning (Disability): (10 seconds)
29. Interview with people who help blind people to read: (120 seconds)
30. Interview with blind person on their feelings towards reading: (60 seconds)

31. Cutaway of blind person reading. Voiceover: (20 seconds)
32. Interview with university student who is studying it: (60 seconds)
33. VOXPOP: asking school children about how blind people read: (40 seconds)
34. Panning across books with voiceover: (10 seconds)
35. Montage of blind people in classroom: (10 seconds)
36. Achieve footage of ‘glee’ when blind people sing: (40 seconds)
37. Montage of people learning: voiceover standard of English: (30 seconds)
38. Interview with teacher about standard of English: (60 seconds)
39. Cutaway of people living in rural area effecting: (10 seconds)
40. Achieve footage of mean girls (dumb): (20 seconds)
41. Montage of people walking in and out of book stores. Voiceover: (30 seconds)
42. VOXPOP: evaluating how books have changed: (20 seconds)
43. Closing credits: (10 seconds)

Formal Proposal

Title: Once Upon a Time

Topic of documentary: Books

Type of documentary: Mixed with a full narration throughout

Style of documentary: Informal, informative... using lots of short clips and will also be fully narrated

Channel and Scheduling: ITV1 Wednesday 8pm

Target audience: 17 -30 years old

Primary research needed:

- Finding interviewees for the programme
- Finding locations for the filming
- Finding props for mise-en-scene of the interview

Secondary research needed:

- Extracts from films, videos, TV and radio programmes
- Still photographs, music, relevant documents e.g. maps, official reports or surveys: newspaper and magazine article books

Narrative Structure:

- Non Linear single strand
- Open narrative structure

Outline of content:

- Do people prefer to read the book or watch the film?
- Has the standard of English decreased over time?
- Why is it that people don’t read anymore?
- Do children learn slower or faster?
- How blind people learn to read
- How children with disabilities learn to read
- Adult Literacy
- Why people enjoy reading books? Why they don’t?
- Are autobiographies more popular than novels... why?


- Young children
- Teenagers
- University students
- Young adults
- Blind Children
- Local Authors
- English teachers
- Primary school teachers
- Learning mentors
- Interview with a well known film director who has adapted a book into a film
- Interview with learning specialists
- Interview with historians who have researched literature


- Extreme close up: people writing
- People shopping in book stores
- Young children reading books
- People working into libraries
- People in libraries
- Pupils being taught in schools
- Stereotypical groups
- Panning across books
- Archive material

Sunday, October 17, 2010

How many libraries there are in the UK ?

Public Libraries: 4,517

Academic Libraries: 979

National Libraries: 6

Songs with the word book in them

Open Book – Gnarls Barkley

Book of Days – Enya

The Book I write – Spoon

Picture Book – Young Fresh Fellows

The Book – Sheryl Crow

The Book of Love – The Monotones

I could write a book – Frank Sinatra

Green Book – Steely Dan

A Beautiful Book – Butterfly Boucher

Book of Rhymes – Nas

Eating a Book – He is Legend

Bible Book Bop – Go Fish

Book Ends – Joe Walsh

Black Book – Stephen Malkmus

By the Book – Michael Penn

Book – Sissy Wish

Number in the Book – Lucky Dube

Bell, Book, and Candle – Eddi Reader

The Lamb’s Book of Life – Sinead O’Conner

Like a Book – Kosheen

Book of Dreams – Bruce Springsteen

The Book I read – Talking Heads

Brainstorm of content for documentary

Research for documentary - Brainstorm of titles for documentary

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Title Brainstorm

The writter
The Abc
The plot
paper generation
book shop
genereric change
book evolition
new decade
in my days
illiterate legend
how i learnt
open book
closed book
read you like abook
don't judge a book by it's cover
happily ever after
best sellers
page turner
Once upon a time

How old are you?

The most amount of people of ages is 16 to 20 yrs old. This is why our target audience is aged around these ages.

Male or Female?

There were more females that we asked to do are questionnaire but even though this graph shows that there are more female than male who answered the questionnaire the documentary still needs to be for females and males.


The largest occupation of people that we asked were students and then it was teachers. This goes with the age of the people because mainly 16 to 20 yrs old are students.

What is your favourite colour?

The most popular colours were pink and purple which had six people pick them each and then it was red which had five. For our product we will need to use the colours that are the highest amount. However, pink and purple are stereotypical of being female colours so we would also need to use some others colours so then it would be suitable for women and men.

What is your favourite song?

The song / artist that people have as their favourite singers / bands are Westlife and Stereophonics, so when we are using music for are documentary we would need to look at songs from these two different artists and see which works best for our documentary.

What is your favourite television channel?

People's favourite television channel is ITV1. From using these results we have decided to have our documentary on ITV1 because it is the most popular by the people that we asked and also it works with our target audience.

What time of day do you normally watch television?

This graph shows that people usual watch TV in the evening, so that is why we have decided to have our show played at 8pm on Wednesday because it would be between emerdale and coronation street so then the people who have just watched emerdale and don't want to turn the channel over until after coronation street would then watch our documentary.

What day do you normally watch television?

Most people said that that they mainly watch TV on Monday to Friday so we have decided to have our documentary on a Wednesday at 8pm which would mean that the documentary would be between emerdale and coronation street.

Do you read?

Mainly everyone we asked do read but there was still quite an amount who do not read and two people who read sometimes.

Do you prefare films or books?

The amount of people that we asked alot of them mainly all of them would rather watch a film rather than read a book but then there was still like eight people who would rather read a book.

What do you do in your spare time?

Because of mainly everyone we aksed was 16 to 20 yrs old it then makes sense that the most thing that people do in their spare time is going out and then it is doing sports or going to watch a film.

Why do you think reading became less popular?

The main reason that reading has become less popular is technology because people have said that it is, computers, films, TV and then also games.

Do you remeber the first book you read?

This is a very vaired amount of people because some people have mainly read the same book as someone else and also it depended on what these people were like when they were children.

When did you last buy a book? What was it?

This is also a very varied amount because lots of people read at different speeds and also some people are always buying new books rather than reading older books.

Has the standard of english decreased since of popularity of reading fell?

Mainly everyone we asked said that reading has decreased since less people started to read books because of technology.