Monday, July 12, 2010

Class Evaluation

We watched all of the videos, in class and this is what the class thought of our documentary:-

  • We made and filmed creative cutaways which filmed up where the questions use to be perfectly.
  • We had a good backing track / music playing on our documentary because there were minimal words in the song so you could understand the interview and the music had a good build up at the end. Also, the song finished at the same time that the documentary finished.


  • The framing of our interview was not right as the interviewee was to far over to the side of the frame, which meant that the computer was in the middle of the frame, so then the computer would of looked like it was the most important thing when it was not. Also, their was too much head space above the interviewee and the camera was too far to the right which meant that some of the interviewee was cut out of the frame.
  • The interviewee does not look at the interviewer she looks everywhere else rather than where she is suppose to look.
  • Some of the interviewee’s answers were quite brief and the answers did not make sense without the questions.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

What we did - Filming

The mise - en - scene is the background / where the documentary is filmed.

For are documentary, are mise - en - scene we decided to use computers as the background, so we found a room which had computers in it and the interviewee sat in front of the computers. We used this background because it is saying how much technology has changed over time, also it shows how much phones have evolved and how much they can now do.

We filmed our documentary in mid - shot and made sure the eyes of the interviewee were a third down both of these are what the codes and conventions say that they should be.

For our cut - aways we filmed simple videos based on both our story board and the answers that the interviewee gives in the interview so that the cut - aways could anchor the meaning of the answers.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

What we did - Editing

We started to editing process by importing the footage into Adobe Premier Pro, then we edited out all of the questions from the documentary we did this by using the razor tool as this was typical based on the codes and conventions.

Next, we edited our cut - aways and added them into the right places between the answers. We put them cut - aways in to avoid jump cuts and to illustrate the answers.

After we finished adding the cut - aways into the documentary, we picked a song as a backing track and then added it to the documentary and we also added a title screen. When we were finished we uploaded it to youtube.