Monday, October 18, 2010

Formal Proposal

Title: Once Upon a Time

Topic of documentary: Books

Type of documentary: Mixed with a full narration throughout

Style of documentary: Informal, informative... using lots of short clips and will also be fully narrated

Channel and Scheduling: ITV1 Wednesday 8pm

Target audience: 17 -30 years old

Primary research needed:

- Finding interviewees for the programme
- Finding locations for the filming
- Finding props for mise-en-scene of the interview

Secondary research needed:

- Extracts from films, videos, TV and radio programmes
- Still photographs, music, relevant documents e.g. maps, official reports or surveys: newspaper and magazine article books

Narrative Structure:

- Non Linear single strand
- Open narrative structure

Outline of content:

- Do people prefer to read the book or watch the film?
- Has the standard of English decreased over time?
- Why is it that people don’t read anymore?
- Do children learn slower or faster?
- How blind people learn to read
- How children with disabilities learn to read
- Adult Literacy
- Why people enjoy reading books? Why they don’t?
- Are autobiographies more popular than novels... why?


- Young children
- Teenagers
- University students
- Young adults
- Blind Children
- Local Authors
- English teachers
- Primary school teachers
- Learning mentors
- Interview with a well known film director who has adapted a book into a film
- Interview with learning specialists
- Interview with historians who have researched literature


- Extreme close up: people writing
- People shopping in book stores
- Young children reading books
- People working into libraries
- People in libraries
- Pupils being taught in schools
- Stereotypical groups
- Panning across books
- Archive material

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